Just a Rich Kid That Knows Nothing
Over the past five months I've been on a journey of uncovering truths hidden too well by familiarity. Everyday, in conversations and observations, I understand a little more of God's great world like light piercing through the cracks around my bedroom door, slowly pushing around the dark edges. I see a little more everyday and realize how little I have ever known. In fact, I often joke that my official motto has become "I KNOW NOTHING". But I'm learning, and as I pioneer through this great journey, I've been writing about these truths in my journal and here, crystallizing the thoughts into words and structure. Often after I've set an idea into words, I stop thinking about it; I then move from idea to idea, pulling in bits from the last to make sense of the new, yet there is one idea that seems to keep resurfacing. This thought began very early, back to the first day I came to Service Adventure. My family was dropping me off at my new home, and as we dr...