Choose Your Own Adventure in the Life of a Service Adventurer

Because I am asked, "So what do you actually do..?" so often by family and friends, I've decided to publish a rough schedule of what I do these days. I wanted it to be interesting though and decided to format it like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. If you haven't read these books (you're missing out), they're written to allow the reader to choose the direction of the plot. After every couple of pages you're offered a choice which directs you to a different section of the book. After I finish one adventure, I always go back and try to figure out how to get to all of the other endings. I've written my daily occupations sort of in the same way. You get some choice in what I do, you are me. I hope you enjoy your adventure in the life of this Service Adventurer! First off, what day is it? Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri (1) Wed (15) Sat (35) Sun (38) (1) Your alarm goes off at 6:40. It's not even light outside... Choose: Snooze for 5 mins (2) or...